Friday, 20 March 2015

Development Blog #0015 - Making It Playable 2

The Playable update is ready.
Download here

Kill People

Gather Resources

Build Bases & Craft Weapons, Raid.

In this update, it's possible to craft 3 types of weapons, tools, and armor, and 3 types of bases.  You will run around with about 30 other AI players, fighting for survival.  Build your base, raid your competitors, and take over the island.  Please send me your feedback, I'll use it to make the game a better simulation of Rust.  If you'd like to be a pre-release tester, please email your iOS device's UDID to

Why make this?
In order to better model Rust players decisions, I need to collect data on how real players would play the simulator.  With better AI, I'll be able to create a more realistic model of Rust. This version of Wool does not collect your data, but it will be an option in the future.

Friday, 13 March 2015

Development Blog #0013 - Making It Playable

I've been working on making Wool playable.

-You'll be in full control of one newman.
-The update will fix any and all crashes some users are experiencing, (the map used too much memory).
-You will no longer be able to view the entire simulation omnipotently -- but I might bring this back.
-I need pre-release testers, if you're interested, send me your UDID through the "send feedback" button in Experimental Island, or to